Mamba Village Field Trip
School field trips are a cornerstone in Abacus School DNA. The students look forward to the trips each term, and so do the teachers and the parents, who are warmly welcomed to join in the learning excursions. The trips provide a opportunity to reinforce classroom learning outcomes using real world experiences, and to spark curiosity and interest in the young learners minds, to explore their world with a view to making a positive impact. Most importantly, the field trips are designed for the children to have fun as they break for holidays!
The wheels of the bus went round and round at 8:45am on 22nd November, all the way to Mamba Village. The children learnt about Crocodiles, Ostriches and tortoise. They particularly enjoyed the Ostrich rides and feeding the crocodiles and tortoises. This was definitely a day that shall remain etched in their minds for a long time!
Look out for the next trip!!